The new Lottery Experience

Join us now!

Everyday is a new chance to win!


Join our platfor with just an easy click! With your Google, Apple or Facebook account!


Share the current Lottery links in order to invite your friends and improve your probabilty to win the prize pot!


Wait for the countdown and watch out the randomize number that will be choose from the queue, if it’s you, then you are the lucky one!

Step by Step

OUR SERVIcES and quick guidance FOR CLIENTS

Lottery Draws

Our main service is to offer our platform as a social network to create,participate or join to a lottery draw available in very different ways

Reachable Prizes

We also offer a real lottery prizes based on the amount of people available to join in the specific moment. It coul be determinated by creator or randomized autimaticated bots.

Easy payments

Once you tried our platform and win any prizes the amount of money will be added to your wallet and therefore will be real money you will dispose to be sended to: Apple pay, Paypal account, etc.

Share a lottery draw

It’s really easy to create a lottery draw once you created an account with us, you only will set: the ammount of money to participate and the ammount of people you would like to share it.

How many people?

The ammount of people is minimum 2 and max. as much as you want. For this kind of lottery draws we splited in 2 types: Close core & Open Core. For a close core you will determinate the timer and ammount of people to participate and for an open core you will only set the ammount of money to join the core.

Social Media

The social media is the real keypoint, as much people you share your core link, as much people will join and more possibilities to improve the ammount of the pot prize.

Cores & Lottery Draws

Current active Cores

The Oktodia Project

We are the 1st. company dedicated to create online lottery draws

Constant Improvement

Committed to improve our platform and expand our limits


Trust is our main goal, every loterry pot is possible to be reached

24/7 Support

We have a great platform support 365 days of the year 24/7!

Who We Are

We are a company based in Barcelona – Spain

The Oktodia project started with the idea to bring a safe place 100% trustful and real on digital lottery prizes, we tried to simplified to common process to a new level to make it easier and reachable for everyone who tries

Our Vision

To have a really nice enviroment, to bring opportunities to everyone who tries and to be something to be shared as a real testimonial of winning lottery prizes

Our Mission

We would like to be pioneers in our own lottery system, be recognized as the first company who tried something different in this area and last but not least, be the most trustful place to win lottery prizes 100% real



Gambling was never an option, but since I learned about Oktodia and participated in the first test pilots, I knew it was trustworthy. Without a doubt a new way to play and win!


Winner of the 1st. 1M Jackpot

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque consequat bibendum turpis sit amet pretium. Nunc ut dui ornare, vulputate augue sed, varius velit.

Claudia Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque consequat bibendum turpis sit amet pretium. Nunc ut dui ornare, vulputate augue sed, varius velit.

Steven Doe


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